Question for with a utube overflow


Active Member
I am one of those unlucky people that got a CPR overflow. My question is for someone with about a 800 gph utube overflow how big is the utube or utubes on it.


nice avatar lol... If you don't mind me asking why don't you like your overflow?? A lot of people tend to forget you need to run an aqualifter pump if you want a nice solid CPR overflow setup. the inlet on the pump sucks water from the

on top of the overflow and the pump's outlet is placed in the overflow's intake portion inside the aquarium, that way the siphon is never lost... If that isn't the reason why you hate it lol, let me know!


Active Member
Because bubbles are getting under the intake baffle and getting stuck in the overflow part. They wont go any where just just keep getting worse. Eventually I can see it looseing syphon. I just dont want water on my floor. And it sits so hight on my tank you have about 45 seconds to turn it off if something goes wrong.


Active Member
i have a utube type syphon without the aqua lifter...and it does not trap or collect air in the utube..nor it has ever lost overflow box is called .Proclear overfflow box..not sure if my post helped but thought i just share the info with you..


Active Member
my utube is rated for 600gph and its about 1" i think...i think u can use two utubes if u want more flow to ur sump...


Active Member
Thanks. I cant figure it out. I tried to turn my cpr overflow into a utbe by installing baffles in it. I used 4 3/4'' tubes (left over from plumbing my return pump) and it dose not seem to be able to keep up with the pump. It overflows out of the top of the tank. I dont get it there were all primed. I have a mag drive 9.5. I figure about 800 gph.


Active Member
A 3/4" utube only can push through about 400 GPH. You also are limited by the size of the tube going out the bottom of the overflow.


Active Member
The bottom has a 1 1/2'' hose on it. That was working good on the only reason I decided to make it into a utbe was the air bubbles going under the intake baffle. I heard of aqualifter pumps. But they fail then I have water on my floor. I mean I plan on replaceing the carpet in my house anyway. But not today.


Active Member
+1 on the two 1" tubes, you need to make sure you have some type of baffle or stand pipe in the outside box so that the water doesn't drain completely out of the box exposing the end of your u-tubes.


Active Member
I tried this. I made 2 seperate compartments on the out side of the bulkhead to run the tube to. They are underwater and dose not break syphon. Actually works pretty good. But I have to have the ball valve on the return pump about 1/2 way closed or it is to much. Alot better than before. I also tried 2 1 1/2'' tubes but they kinked in the u part and started to get air traped in there. I also did find someone to drill my glass. Told me to look up the tank to make sure it was not tempered glass. I have found nothing on O-dell tanks 55 gal dims 48'' X 13'' X 20''. Other than they are good tanks?????