question for you pros?

fla. keys

You all gave me great tips on how to get purple coraline to start growing in my tank and I must say you all were right on. Purple is growing on the glass pretty well now along with green algea too(dont know if this is good or bad)
It seems as if the algea starts off as green and a few days later turns into purple?????Is this possible?
Other question and really the one I want to know about...I have a dsb(part live sand and part sugary fine argonite sand) and brown algea and algea hair is growing on the the top of the sand. Is this bad? I mean I know I have to clean it but is this a sign that my tank is NOT HEALTHY/ or what?????
Thank U.


Active Member
No some algae does not mean your tank is unhealthy.
If you dont want the algae or if its taking over the tank is when it becomes a problem.
By growing coraline algea like you are is one way to help reduce nuisance algae by eliminating a vacant spot for the algae to grow.
Some nuisance algae however will over grow your coraline you worked so hard for and may kill it.
If the brown algae you mentioned looks almost like a dust or film then in may very well be diatoms.
The best way to eliminate diatoms is to eliminate the compound it needs to grow, silicates.
Silicates are most commonly found in tap water. Use of RO and/or DI water will greatly reduce the chances of adding silicates to the system.
To rid yourself of the hair algae a few main things to consider are avoid using tap water and dont over feed.
Tap water is a common source of phosphates and nitrates as well as other impurities that unwanted algae desire.
As much as 90% of the food given to your fish can end up as nitrate.
If you havent changed your bulbs in a while now may be a good time.
Keep all filter media clean including the skimmer if you have one.
Make sure you have a good clean up crew like small hermits and snails.
Also manual removal of the algae is a good idea to help speed the process of elimination.