Question most likely for Bang...



Anyone can answer if they know, but I assume it will be Bang Guy. I have 2 clowns. 2 different species. One a Clarkii, one an oscellaris. They have been together for about 2 years now with no aggression toward each other. If they do get aggressive, I am prepared to get rid of one. As it stands, they both have their own "host".
The oscellaris has his frogspawn and the clarkii has the anemone. They rarely invade the other's territory.
My questiuon is that the clarkii is considerably bigger than the oscellaris. at least 3 times biggger. Neither seems to be growing anymore so I assume they're done. Is the clarkii female and the oscellaris male even though they are different species?? I know they will not bond, or mate but does the male/female thing apply when they are two different species??


Active Member
You probably got 2 females there.
I think your success in 2 different clowns is the fact that they both hosted in their own anemone. You got lucky on that one. If you have not had problems yet after 2 years, I doubt you will. You do have the right attitude though, remove one if they go at it. They may be far enough appart in appearance that they don't recognize each other as the "competition". Lucky you!


Yeah, I didn't expect them to pair up. What I did expect was that one would hafta go. I, like you, am surprised that they tolerate each other. The oscellaris didn't have a host until one day, I was cleaning the tank, the clarkii hid behind the rocks and nemo jumped into his anemone. When the clarkii came around he was pi$$ed, so nemo took refuge where he could and has been there ever since.
Thanks for replying too.


That was his first 'nemone experience!! But it didn't last...