Active Member
hey guys. I have a little snowflake eel in the 29 gallon tank i have right now. I recently bought a 40 gallon breeder tank and a filter to upgrade him into (dont worry, ill guy everything i need, i just dont have the money now and i have time for him to grow). The tanks dementions are 36 by 18, so i figure the wider bottom will give him more room to swim and hid in live rock. But another reason why i got the shallower, but wider tank, is to make it an agressive tank. I wanted to put a fu manchu lionfish, a small angler (and yes, one that will stay small) and posibly a porcupine puffer. But i heard these will not do well with the lions so im iffy about either of them. Any suggestions? Will these fish do ok compatability wise and size wise? Ill have in live rock too for the angler and eel. Any other suggestions maybe?