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If there is 'moisture' between the tank and the background, there is less of an 'optical transition' (not sure how else to say it), so the background looks much clearer and brighter.
That being said, I have seen something for sale at LFS that claim to perform this function. I have not used, and in no way endorse this something (maybe someone can chime in on that), but if you basically keep air from between the BG and the tank itself, it should look a lot nicer.
The other factor may be lighting. Check if your tank is really lighting your back wall. It may be shaded to light the front more (I know mine are) so the back of the tank, especially the top, may be in 'the dark' all the time.
From personal experience, I've found that if you keep the background below the ledge that is the top rim of the tank, you get less salt creep and water down the front, which is the nastiness. Now it just all runs down the back, and ruins the background over time just the same.
Thanks gman, i new it was along those lines. I'll try and find that product, if you have a link that would be sweet. As for my lighting, i have too much. Got 2 big ol' metal H's and a 36'' actinic on a 55g. And when the H's go off and its just the actinic the BG looks as though it should. Bright, vivid , it "pops". Im gonna try and get some pics up of my tank. Its a 55g flourishing on nothing more than a Magnum 350 can. I have one huge piece of pure coraline rock (purple) and over 100 dusters. Its crazy, but it works. Pics to come......B