Question on "Cheep" to "Expensive" Lighting


Ok as the topic states
Is there a serious difference between the "cheep MH lighting that you can get off of a popular bidding site, compared to the Expensive Name brand 1s that you can buy for over 2xs the amount?
I am asking this as I am just about done with all my set up preparations and I want to weigh the good and bad of Cheep Vs Expensive lighting.
This thread may help others in their decisions for lighting as well So I am hopeful on some good responses and counter arguments.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
You would have to take a few things into consideration.
Quality,Warranty,Price Difference.
IMHO I would not purchase a one piece unit.I like Retro MHs,this way if something goes wrong with a ballast its easily replaced or repaired and i wouldnt loose all my light.I also have the option of upgrade.I recently upgraded a Magnetic ballast to a Electronic in a matter of 2 minutes.Im currently working on upgrading my pendants.You cant do this with name or non brand units.
Retro is in most cases much cheaper than buying a whole unit.Your not paying for a fancy outer case .
I would be careful purchasing lighting off auction sites.


Active Member
If you looked at 10 systems from different vendors/manufacturers that were technically similar, you'll find that most of them are around the same ballpark price, and a couple are FAR cheaper.
Those FAR cheaper ones are the ones to stay away from. Most of the nonname fixtures sold on that famous site where you bid on stuff and that Jebo/Odyssea crap that is sold by aqua traitors are very low quality systems that have terrible warranty and customer support.
If you stay within what mainstream fixtures from reputable manufacturers such as Current, Sunlight Supply, Geismann, Hamilton, etc will all be good systems.


Agreed on both posts.
I guess what i am looking for is an answer to
Is the ballasts that the "Cheeper" 1s use really that much different from the name brands, (Power consumption, light rating ect.)
Also the lights are they really that much different from the 1s you would get at the stores for salt water only equipment?
These are some of the things going through my mind

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by forcrz6
Agreed on both posts.
I guess what i am looking for is an answer to
Is the ballasts that the "Cheeper" 1s use really that much different from the name brands, (Power consumption, light rating ect.)
Also the lights are they really that much different from the 1s you would get at the stores for salt water only equipment?
These are some of the things going through my mind
SCSInet has vastly more expertise in this area than I,but i would say if you are talking Magnetic Ballast,you could pretty much build your own for next to nothing.Electronic ballast are a different story.SCSInet will point you in a good direction if your looking for quality less expensive ballasts.


Active Member
The really cheap ballasts can be a downright fire hazard. Jebo/Odyssea had a problem a few years ago where their ballast were catching fire. This was due to cheap capacitors.
If you are DIYing a lighting system, any ballast made by the major manufacturers like Advance, GE, Sola, Venture, etc should all be fine.
If you are buying a lighting system ready made, you don't have much control over their component choice other than to buy good quality products. Products made in the USA are less likely to use crappy chinese knock off parts.
The lamps that come with lighting systems very tremendously in quality. Almost universally, the lamps that come with a system are never as good as the ones you buy individually. Plan a new set of lamps into your lighting budget right away. In fact, I recommend to folks that can afford it to buy a new set of lamps right away with a new lighting system and have them on hand should the factory lamps fail prematurely. You don't lose anything since you need to replace the lamps eventually anyway...