question on cleaning sump


my tank is running for about 4 months and my home-aid sumo is starting to get a brown-ish film in the inside of it. Should i clean it or should i just leave it the way it is. I believe that this is bacteria and it shouldn't be cleaned since the tank is fairly new. If i should clean it, what should i clean if with and should i use saltwater or freshwater.


Active Member
I would just syphon out the ditrius from the bottom and thats it. You can also use a wet/dry Vac to get it out once you have drained most of the water out.
I clean mine out every 3 months to keep it clean.


can i just get a paper towel and wipe it. Also i noticed that the dead coral and carved rock also get this stuff. I usually wipe some of it down with a pad, but i like how it looks :) . Does this mean that these rocks are going to contain creatures like rock does