I have 2 clowns and sometimes they swim around and they seem to pick up sand in there mouth. Can you tell me what they might be doing with the sand? They dont seem to go anywhere with it. thanks
some clowns do that, its weird. i had a tomato clownfish that would go on the sand and just shake its body, making sand go everywhere and making a hole that looked really ugly in my sand bed.
They're tryin to tell ya where to put the Anemone. I think.
Who knows what goes through the minds of fishies? Mine hosts the upper left corner of my tank
Originally Posted by uneverno http:///forum/post/3009456
They're tryin to tell ya where to put the Anemone. I think.
Who knows what goes through the minds of fishies? Mine hosts the upper left corner of my tank
Mine hosts a feather duster...
Kinda amazing of the feather duster's end. That's a lot of crap to have to put up with.
Originally Posted by Mr.clownfish http:///forum/post/3009324
some clowns do that, its weird. i had a tomato clownfish that would go on the sand and just shake its body, making sand go everywhere and making a hole that looked really ugly in my sand bed.
finally! someone has a crazy tomato like mine, lol. i call him/her digger. from watching for so long i think its a hunting trick. mine kicks up sand then quickly searches thru it. the tangs join in too, there eating something....
You don't know if it's a him or a her? Lets fix that right now! lol
How long have you had him/her and was she/he a juvi when you got him/her? Is he/ she alone?
Originally Posted by PEZenfuego http:///forum/post/3009500
You don't know if it's a him or a her? Lets fix that right now! lol
How long have you had him/her and was she/he a juvi when you got him/her? Is he/ she alone?
i have 2 tomatoes and the digger is larger. digger was here before the other and always dug, lol. they never really fought or diplayed any mating/pairing rituals im aware of. they just seem to be tank mates and actually digger is closer to my yellow tang then any other fish.
Originally Posted by VinnyRaptor http:///forum/post/3009515
i have 2 tomatoes and the digger is larger. digger was here before the other and always dug, lol. they never really fought or diplayed any mating/pairing rituals im aware of. they just seem to be tank mates and actually digger is closer to my yellow tang then any other fish.
Sounds like they're both juvies for now...so him/her was probably correct lol.