question on cyano


Can cyanobacteria be red? I had red hair algae, got some snails and now the red is like a thin film on the cc and rocks with little gaseous bubbles in it. It blows off the rocks easily with a turkey baster. Clumps up and kind of floats to the surface. Should I use a chemical remedy?


Active Member
That is it. You can try something like chemi clean but you really need to find the source of the problem which is most likely over feeding or tap water.


Active Member
test your water for phosphate levels, in the tank and your tap water. id suggest running a poly filter, to pull some of the suff out, but get soem queen conchs, or florida fightign conchs, some nertie, nassarius snails, or ceriths, and they should take a pretty big chunk out of it!
good luck


thanks for the reply you two. I picked up some chemi clean and my LFS said they would test the water for me. I hate buying test kits. They are so expensive. BTW I hit all the local LFS in phoenix and have learned that the local tap water is huge on phosphates. Also our location in the world has produced a plethora of water/ice stores and kiosks. More than you can imagine. I am told alot of them are lazy and can actually have phosphates in the RO water. They charge 25 cents a gallon but my Favorite LFS charges only 30 cents for the goog stuff. Thats where I will go from now on.
One more thing. I only occassionally get responses to my inquiries. This tough love by you dudes and gals has tought me how to look up old threads which I did on the cyano problem and found alot of good info. Identical to what you just told me. Thanks for taking the time to respond just the same.


Active Member
not a problem man. the same thing happens to me from time to time as well, and there is a wealth of info on this board, so somehow, your question should get answered!
good luck