Hello ... I'll try to get ya going in the right direction.
First off i Got very frustrated with the lfs i got set up at .. i was a noob and not sure of what i needed. they wanted to sell me everything without informing me that what i wanted they didnt have so they were just trying to sell stock.
I found an extreamly helpful hobbist/LFS and joined a reef club that im still new to, but everyone is very helpful and i think ill like it a lot.
As far as equpiment i made a post on lighting in one of your other post but ill put it all down here...
Go with a metal halide light and get a dual 250watt as well.
PFO makes a really nice one i was Extreamly impressed at the looks and quality of the hood... its a Dual 250 watt dual ended halide with 10k ushio bulbs , with 2x110 super atinic VHO's. All the balast are external and it has 2 3" icecap automaticly controled fans. I picked it up for a little over $1,000. You could also go with 1 hydrofarm 1,000 watt pendent as well. its much cheaper but needs to be in a canopy and runs pretty hot , but is a really awsome light.
There are a few bulbs you can look at but id recomend 10k unless you dont mind a blueish tint in the tank then the 20k bulbs are extreamly nice.
For corals you can get by with VHO or Compacts but Don't. I bought a JBJ formosa 1200 deluxe 4 x 65 watts. It did good for starting but as i got into sps and clams i needed more so i got the halide and now i have a $400 light sitting in my closet because the LFS i got it from told me it would be all i needed. If you want Excellent tank/coral color and versatility got with a halide hood to start with its actually saving you money in the long run to get it at the start.
All the corals i kept under vho's and compacts have made great improvemnts in color and growth rate since the metal halide. Your really get a lot of color out of them. most were dull under the lesser lighting.
As far as a skimmer id recomend AquaC or Euro Reef. you can get by on a cheaper one but they are higher maintinence and dont do as good of a job. for an extra $60-100 dollars you can get a really nice skimmer going with AquaC. A lot of ppl have traded in their berlins as well they just are not that great.
As far as Power heads go Id go with a pair of heads rated around 400 gallons an hour. the more flow the better for croals. You can pick up Aquaclear 804 's for around $40 each.
Also the bio wheels could be traded in down the road and go with a sump/refugium. they are so much nicer and you can do your water changes , adding of chemicals, ect right from the sump so its easier on the display tank having it all mix in the sump. Id highly recomend that when you get around to it.
As far as mixxing water your going to want to get a system going for premixing your saltwater. I have a round Kitchen trash can and a small powerhead . About 2-3 days before water changes i mixx up the water and salt then put the powerhead in with the bubbler on and let it mix for the 2-3 days so the O2 , temp , gravity all stabilize.You want to age your water before you do a change.
Got with a Won or a Pro 250 watt heater as well . you can pick up a nice one for about $30
Also if your going to go With some fish in your reef... Id highly suggest a 10 gallon Quarantine tank. You cant treat fish in your display tank if you have inverts such as shimp , crabs, snails, or corals. And youll want to quaranine them before you add them to your reef.
Hope ive been of some help to you id hate to see you go through what i went through starting out with buying the wrong gear. Best of luck on your tank . Mine has been a lot of fun and a great stress reliever. Not to mention an addiction! LOL. Anyways Welcome to the boards.