Question on filter


ok... i'm having a problem with getting info on which type of filter i should use in a new salt water setup, i have a 38 gallon freshwater tank with a whisper power filer right now, and i want to convert this to salt. I've heard that undergravel filters are not needed from a guy at my local fish store, he says i can just use the current filter i have right now, and from a close friend i've been told that i absolutley NEED an undergravel filter.
i plan on having an invert tank with crushed coral for substrate.
more insite and info would be appreciated.


just my opinon, I have the same sized tank, you don't need the under gravel filter if you go with live sand. (the best way to go) I have the large emperior filter on mine with a very good skimmer. It works fine. I replaced the filter pads with the crushed glass filter with 100 micron fabric and these work great. My water is crystal clear and all water params seem to stay stable.:)


Active Member
What type of setup do you plan to have? You say invert but do you mean a full blow reef or a tank with a few rocks, snails, shrimp, crabs etc.
Those choices will make a big difference. If you plan to have a lot of live rock and you keep your bioload low you may not need an external filter at all.
Tell us more about what you plan to do and we can go from there.



Originally posted by jumpfrog
What type of setup do you plan to have? You say invert but do you mean a full blow reef or a tank with a few rocks, snails, shrimp, crabs etc.
Those choices will make a big difference. If you plan to have a lot of live rock and you keep your bioload low you may not need an external filter at all.
Tell us more about what you plan to do and we can go from there.

i plan on having a couple Anemones, some shrimp, and a clown or two and some live rock. :confused:


Active Member
If you plan for 1 to 1.5 lbs LR per gallon, in your case 38 to 57lbs of LR, you should be fine without extra filtration. While you're getting there, if you add a little at a time, the whisper should be fine.
Are you planning to add a skimmer?


Active Member
I would recommend a skimmer too. If you have at least 1 lb per gallon you don't really need any extra filtration.