question on GSP ?


well here is the run down:
20 gal reef with 130 w p/c , hob skimmer,hob filter, 2 powerheads for flow
all water parameters good.
s/g 1.024, ph 8.2 , amonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate not detectable,phos.>0.2
cal 480-520.........adding iodine,strontium,and trace once a week,
10-15% water change once a month, and i drip kalk every other top off.
here is the question. i have zoos, leather and mushroom coral that are doing great and growing , but i cant tell if the GSP is growing at all . it has been 3 months and it still looks like the day i bought it.
i was under the impression it would grow like crazy. its location is on the bottom and in good water flow.
is there anything im not doing or could do to make it grow better. i would like to frag once it starts to spread..... any help is appreciated