Question on Ick


New Member
I have a 55 gal FO/LR tank with a two inch Yellow Tang, two Perculia Clowns and about 15 lbs of live rock. The Yellow Tang just came out of qt about a week ago and now it looks like he is showing signs of ick. I noticed him scratching but it has not shown any signs of white spots. The two clowns do not scratch but seem to have very small white spots on them. The lady at my LFS suggested the use of coppersafe. I am concerned with moving all three fish to my 10 gal qt since it is so small and you have to treat for 23 days. The Yellow Tang was not very happy during his two week stay in the qt after I purchased him.I am thinking about moving the live rock to the 10gal tank and treating the main tank and fish with coppersafe. By removing the live rock with it hurt the biological filter? Also will this method get rid of ick for good?


New Member
Thanks Trey for the advise. I took the tang out early because he seemed to be stressing out in the 10gal tank. I guess I should have started out with a bigger qt tank. By the way have you heard of a product called Stop Parasites? LFS had some on hand and owner swears it works. At 17 bucks a bottle probably just another "wish in a bottle" like many of the other ick cures.