Question on Lighting for a 12G Nano


Hello, I was wondering if some1 could help me out, I have a 12G FOWLR that has been up for agout 4 1/2 years now and I want to start adding some soft corals and shrooms, I wanted to know what would be a good lighting system for 12G. I like the Coralife compacts and saw a 20" on line and thought about getting it and just wanted to know if it would work for a 12g and the corals I would like to keep. Here is some information on what I was leaning towards...
Coralife 20" 96 Watt Quad Aqualight Compact
96 watts of compact fluorescent lighting from a single 20" light fixture. The innovative Quad Tube bulb is like having four normal output fluorescent light bulbs in one. Space saving design provides bright light conditions ideal for mini-reef aquariums, refugiums, planted aquariums, or as supplementary lighting where space is at a premium. Feature a stylish yet durable anodized aluminum housing with on/off switch and an energy efficient internal electronic ballast for reliable and lasting performance. Highly polished reflector maximizes light output and distributes it evenly across your aquarium. Protective acrylic lens cover prevents water splashes from coming into direct contact with lamps.
Saltwater compact fluorescent strip light includes 50/50 Quad Tube that combines 10,000°K and True Actinic 03 blue phosphors to provide ideal lighting conditions for saltwater aquariums.
pic of light...


honestly, if your going to change ur lights.. you might as well do it right or dont do it at all..
chances are if your upgrading now, your going to knock your self for not getting T5's or MH.. if i were you.. id find a SUNPOD for 150$ and have some Metal Halides and be done with it.
Then you can keep whatever your heart desires.


thank you for ur help, with this matter, I would love to go all the way as you said but sadly I have slowly been going blind for the past few years and only have a small amout of sight in one eye now and it would not be worth me investing in all you suggested. I did have a 55g Reef about 4-5 years ago but sold everything due to my vision problem. When I sold everything my hubby got me a 12g set up so I could at least keep my mated pair of clowns and enjoy them while I have some sight left. It's just I miss all the corals and such that I just wanted to get a few shrooms and a few hardy corals that would be easy for me to care for so I can enjoy them until I lose what sight I have left. So as long as the compact lighting is suitable and will not be harmful to shrooms and such, I think I will be better off. Thanks again for the help and I wish I could do it the way you said.