Question on my clownfishes behavior?


About 2 days ago I went to my LFS and purchased a Ocellarius Clownfish (in their tanki the fish swam fine)and I noticed that all it does is say in one corner and it swims down. It doesn't swim like it can't right itself and when I try to touch the glass is swims normal. Please help :help:


I think this is pretty typical. My first clown stayed right up behind my filter output ALL THE TIME. I had a BTA that I hoped he would go to, but he didn't. Then I bought a wild caught clown that went into the anenome, and what do you know? He came out of hiding and lives in the anenome now, too. Seriously, he hung out up there for almost eight months, but he came out to eat and stayed really healthy, so I guess it was okay.


No i'm not sure you are understanding my question! My clownfish constantly swimms down towards the bottom of the tank. He doesn't swim like my other one. He only swimms normal when i tap on the glass and that's only for a second!


Does he seem healthy? I mean, eating and all of that? I might be wrong here, but I think clowns are known for some sporadic swimming habits. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


Active Member
maybe your LFS feeds the fish something different than what you feed. I used to have a clown that hosted the bottom corner of my tank. He would stay in the bottom corner allll day.


The same food i feed my clown is the same food as the LFS fed him when he was still in their tank. Also, i have 2 clowns one stripeless clown which eats like a pig ( had no troble feeding him when i 1st got him) but the clown with stripes is the one showing NO SIGNS of eating what so ever.
Also I have another question! What are the clownfish doing when they show this vibrating motion. It's normaly when they are close to each other.