Question on my tank/Good or Bad?

fla. keys

Here is whats going on.. Please give me your opinions.
My tank, 75 gal, live rock, DSB, has been up now for about 2 months. Some fish in there including a yellow tang.
I had been asking everyone how to get the purple coraline to grow and now it is with the help of the kalkwasser and coral vite and other additives.
My question is this.....
On the glass of my tank on all sides, I am getting green algea and purplish algea growing. However on the rocks, a bit of the green grows along with some brown algea? Is this all good or bad what I am describing??????
Also on my top layer of sand is a good bit of brownish hair algea with long strands of hair??? Good or Bad?
I am going to clean the tank well on the weekend?
Any opinions on all my algea stuff is appreciated.
1 Last question...What is a diatom? People have used the term when answering my prior posts but I do not know what this is?
Thank you, you all have been awesome in answering me before.


Active Member
The brown stuff may be diatoms. They are not bad and will go away in time. They hairy stuff is bad. It is caused from phosphates in the water. Do you use tap water or RO/DI water? Do you over feed? Get some trouchus snails (better than turbo IMO) to eat the brown off the rocks and then you will start to see the purple grow. If you are using tap water the hairy stuff will never go away.


New Member
Fla Keys, this is a good sign. The reef is now becoming alive. Let it live :) I just went through this with my 65gal reef tank. The brown algae was diatoms and that is normal. The green algae bloom was handled by using a phosphate removal bag that I got a a LFC. I left it in for four days and I got 15 turbo snails and cut back on my day lights to where they were only on for about 5 hours now there back up to 8 hours. Anyway, I kept cleaning the glass and the snails did the rest. The phosphates were removed and I used Ro water to do a small water change every two days for a week. Everything is great now except I wished I had brought a 120 gal tank <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />