Question on Pistol shrimp behavior


Active Member
i just got mines on friday, mines is hiding a cave. Not sure, but i think the angel built a cave for it, i saw the angel move the sand under one rock and made a cave but the angel never goes there.


Active Member
bump again, i have another question, mines hides a lot, how do i get it food? put it near the cave where it stays at? is it normal to hide a lot?


Pistol shrimp are cool. I have one in my reef paired with a watchman goby. The shrimp burrows, and the goby keeps watch. I do believe that the goby brings food to the shrimp. Why don't you get a goby to hang out with your shrimp, they make an awesome pair :)


Active Member
im going to get a goby in a month after i set up a QT. Grimes, i would keep it, they dont do any harm and like fishies said, get a shrimp gobie to pair up with them, its very cool to watch.
I just drop some food at the 'entrance' to thier cave. They come out to get it eventually. With time mine have come to expect thier food to be dropped there and will come out to get it almost right away. They dont see very well, but they smell it. They kind of grope around blindly to find it, so they are very shy about coming out to get it until they have established that things will be OK. Here is a 'best that I could do at the time' photo of mine making a rare appearance.
Good Luck,


Now, this is just my experience with them, but I see my shrimp everyday. He is always cleaning out and rearanging his cave. I know that he has burrowed a tunnel along the bottom, and occasionally snaps for the goby to come get him. But definately see the two of them doing their thing each day:)