Question on Seaclone Skimmer?


I have a tank that has been set up for about 3 weeks now and have a couple of damsels in it. the tank has diatom alge on the cc.. The question I have is last night I finally got the skimmer adjusted good, to were is was producing not to much foam but not to little. so I emptied the cup today and put it back on and now I can't get it to foam at all???been fooling with it for about 2 hours now, I have cleaned the whole thing thinking maybe airline was clogged but still nothing any suggetions???????


Just give it a few hours. Mine typically takes a bit to start churning again. I think it actually works better if it isn't sparkling clean, I have no idea why though.


New Member
I Get The Same Problem, Skimming Like Crazy One Minute Nothing The Next. Experience Shows Get It Set And Leave It Alone It Will Work When It Has Something To Skim. Also You Should Drill Your Collection Cup And Put A Barbed Fitting In It So It Empties Itself In An External Gallon Jug Connectet With Tubing To The Fitting, Never Have To Take Apart The Skimmer Again.


Originally Posted by LOVMYANGL
I Get The Same Problem, Skimming Like Crazy One Minute Nothing The Next. Experience Shows Get It Set And Leave It Alone It Will Work When It Has Something To Skim. Also You Should Drill Your Collection Cup And Put A Barbed Fitting In It So It Empties Itself In An External Gallon Jug Connectet With Tubing To The Fitting, Never Have To Take Apart The Skimmer Again.
Thanks for the advice I will try the tube with the fitting when I get a chance....