question on skimmer


i just got my AquaC Remora Hang-On Skimmer with maxijet 1200 i just wanted to know the directioni that cam witht his unit sucs and is very not in detail so my questions is i put the maxijet to the tube to the skimmer but the directions says not to add the air hose attachment. so do i ad it or dont i. i dont seem like it is skimming thats y im lost on how to do this please help asap
ps i have a mag 7 that im not using now can i hook that up to the skimmer or is it to powerful


Active Member
The pump sucks from the end (in line with the body) and shoots out through the side port. If you are still confused, just plug it in while it is under water and see what direction the water is going.
With this skimmer, you don't need the air hose.
The Mag7 is too powerful. Stick with the 1200.


yes thanks i know what end it sucks and exits but i was wondering on the air hose but if ya say i dont need it then kool because its been running for about 2 hours now and i was getting worried about the air hose but its ok . thanks man and i guess ill do another flow somewhere with the mag 7