Question regarding Shrimp/Clown Hosting in the same anenome


Is it possible for both a sexy shrimp and a maroon clown to host in the same lta?
My Sexy shrimp has been hanging out with the lta and I originally purchased the LTA for the Maroon, is there a chance the maroon will still host?


Some updates. I have noticed now that my clown is hosting in my bubble coral and the shrimp hangs out in the anenome at night. Has anyone else observed similar behavior. I figure that if my clown is hosting in the bubble, he will soon host in the anenome. Your thoughts? Is my assumption incorrect?


Sometimes clowns just pick something else to host in... mushroom corals, tube worms(!), curvy rocks, the thermometer in my tank (heheh)...
No telling what they'll pick.