Question ??? What go in to Aquapod24G


It is at the end of the cycling my 24g. I am rdy to add fish and coral to the tank. AS i know the bio-ball and the cermial will creat nitrate problem in the future. SO i take it all out and planning to put carbon in there. I bought the KENT Marine Reef Carbon and put 2-4 teaspoon to a filter bag. Question is while i reading the lable on the container it say i should only left the carbon not more than 3days becasue it will adsort all the trace minerals and organics stuff. Is it true ?? how long u guy left your carbon bag inside ? how offer you guy change it ? Thank for the input. :happyfish


Active Member
I change mine rarely..I do rinse it thouroughly however though, and i feed trace elements as recomended.


Most people that I know keep it for about 3 weeks and then they replace it. I use and perfer Purigen


I'm just in process of setting up my 24 aquapod with 70 watt halide and 96 watt compacts. I actually took out all filtration and added a skilter 250 on the back of the 1st stage of the sump which has been cleaning up water as it cycles with the supplied carbon filter. Works very well and no micro bubbles get back into tank. Having custom acrylic hang-on refugium made to fit on 2nd stage of back of the tank sump. Around 12" Lx 12"h x 4" d. Not sure how that will turn out yet. Have 16lbs of LR so far and will add a little more in near future. Skilter 250 is around 35.00 although it isn't silent by any means!