
kevin lassonde

New Member
after my tank cycles is it too much to have like 10 blueleggs a few peperments an urchin and 3 perculas added gradually? i have a 20 high


Active Member
any lr o ls?
IMO 3 perc.s should do ok in a 20 gallon(if you can maintain water quality to help with this would suggest lr and ls), but that would be it for fish and you'd have to get tehm small, the inverts don't matter too much, as long as they got room and food, inohter words, they odn't add much to the fioload

kevin lassonde

New Member
the tank is only 5 days old and i am looking for lr and ls i will not do anything with animals for at least a month probobly 2


Active Member
get eh lr and ls and a good sw test kit for ph, ammonia, nitrite, nitrAte, alkalinity, phosphates and calcium(not as important for FO), but get the lr and sand adn add salt water, wait for cycle to COMPLETE, whether it is 2 months or less, wait it out, do nothing to reduce the ammonia or hurry it, just wait it out, with ls and lr, this could got very fast(but may not, under some conditions), i'm just saying this so you don't hurry, sometimes a month may not be enough, it all depends on the sysytem


You might prefer red to blue hermits- the reds are less aggressive with snails (and corals and each other), and you will want a few of those too.
I think you will almost certainly have an issue with 3 percs- two will usually pair off if they are different sizes and you get them at the same time, although getting a mated pair to start with is even better. At some point, perc #3 is going to get killed by the others... and my personal experience is once a perc develops "blood lust" nothing is safe that can't defend itself well.
A pseudochromis or small goby could be OK, but you have to wait a while between adding fish.


so 3 clowns could be bad because onne will end up as the odd man out. Sounds right. I just have a question about that. I was going to get maybe 4 pink skunk clowns for my 75 when it is set up. They shoulld be ok since there is not an odd # right?
I also have a queston about mixing clowns. The lfs has like 7 different reef tanks set up and in most of them there are 2-3 tank raised percs and 2--3 pink skunks. Some on here in on one post said mixing is a bad idea. His fish always look good and i never see any fighting between them while i'm in the store. I was thinking of possibly putting two of each in my tank. I'm not so sure now because of the other post I was reading