Question ?


I have a 33 gallon long that has been set up for about a 11 months. I was wonderin if the lighting i have is strong enough for my brain coral and gonapora. I have had both of these for 2 months probably the brain looks as happy as when i got him, but my gonapora stays pulled in all of hte time. My lfs said it was because he wasnt hungry, but i dont know. My lighting is a 96 watt powercompact. I would get a mh but i dont have the cash to do it since im only 14.
Heres my gonapora before he went into his shutdown phase.

Heres my happy brain


Active Member
For your brain coral, you got enough.
For your gonioporia coral......not nearly enough. They are very difficult corals to keep in an aquarium....let alone a 30-gallon one. Metal halide is the minimum I would recommend for it. I suggest taking it back for credit or trade it with the store for something a little less demanding.


Active Member
heyy sorry i dont kno anything about your coral but i just wanted to say I FINALLY FOUND SOMEONE MY AGE ON THIS SITE!!! im only 12 though ....the corals look really nice!!