You should only keep one species per tank. Otherwise they can fight or have "chemical warfare." Not exactly sure what chemical warfare is, but I learned it on this site.
And that wasn't a dumb question! :joy:
ya i know but seemed like a dumb question as i was typing..i figured same species would not do well was meaning other types...thanks..i did by some frozen shrimp defrosted one naturally in cool water..sealed in bag,,and it ate it cool really...
well, maybe I am just lucky, or the time has not come for me yet, but I have two carpet anenomes and two LTA's in my 72 gallon tank... I dont see any fights, and they have been fine since I got them. I got the carpets first, almost 1 1/2 years ago, and the LTA's I have had for over 6 months.
as far as feeding, I feed my anenomes probably once a week. I buy a frozen seafood mixture of shrimp, oyster, squid, and crab, and thaw that... I place the pieces in the anenome and they love it.
thanks..i bought the frozen ate it..also came across to own a flower anenome..they are cool..i looked into a local bait an tackle shop..funny thing really went in for krill..he had no idea what it in the car and giggled..but will have to find another source..but will look into a mixed seafood pack.thanks again