

I have a 90g tanks. It has 1 hood with 2 40w bulbs. Are there any corals I could add with this lighting? thanks!


Active Member
Your going to have to be a little more specific. How old is your tank? What equipment/methods are you using? What are the inhabitants?


Active Member
Sorry Jess, I cant recommend any corals with such weak lighting.
You need as a minimum 2VHO bulbs and 4 would be prefered, but still limit you to livestock choices.
Metal Halide with VHO is needed to support the more demanding corals.


There really are no corals that will thrive in that lighting. You might try some mushrooms real high up in the tank. But I think they will lose their colors and get real small. You would have a few more options if you did a upgrade to 110W VHO's. For exapmle I have 2 175W MH, 2 110W Actinic VHO's and 2 40W NO 10k's on a 100G reef. You could even buy a PC and put it behind the lighting you have now. They run about $175.00


NO WAY !!!!!! I don't even think that you could get a good algae bloom with that..... I suggest a VHO or compacts, Halide, or something like that..... Save your money and get some good lighting...... ALSO what else you got with your system????? list all equipment, filters, pumps, ect......


I have 110 lbs live rock. Ehiem canister/wet dry which can filter up to 250g. 1 Siline skimmer. The tank has been up for about a year and ahalf.
Another question. I am new to reefs. I have only had FO tanks. Could I just take out my 2 40W bulbs and put in bulbs with a higer wattage?


Active Member
Jess, Yes you can remove your present lighting and replace it with a higher output system. What kind of lighting would depend on what type of corals you are looking to keep. Many other thing may have to be changed as well, for example your sandbed, the amount and type of fish in your tank, the addition of certain supplements, and so on. Tell us everything about your tank like the type of substrate, fish, inverts, water quality, and also what type of corals you plan on keeping and we can tell you what needs to be done, if anything, and what type of lighting would best suit your needs.