

I have been just reading posts over the past few weeks and I have noticed a moderator with a serious communication problem. Quite frankly the individual shouldn't be a moderator as evidenced by his lack of tactfulness in dealing with people on these boards. Since there is no link to email anyone directly to let them know of this type of behavior, who do I contact? I can imagine I am not the only person noticing this behavior and hopefully someone will be objective enough not to flame this post and ban me, but if so I would not be surprised. I have no ties to any of the people who had their posts locked or were banned but I just felt compelled to attempt to gain information in regards to this type of issue. SALTWATERFISH.COM is a business and I am certain a few negative interactions caused by someone who has some semblance of "power" can cause a negative effect on that business. Sorry for the rant, just looking for info.


There are alot more moderators than there has been in the past. There is a lot of posts that have been deleted in the posts so alot of times what you are seeing in posts isnt whats really going on. Also there are some rules that alot of people are just flat out ignoring and then complain when the post gets locked and or deleted. Please do not jump to conclusions on what you read there is alot going on.. also there is not a rouge moderator 99% of the posts that are locked for rudeness are discussed in a seperate forum. A lot of the posts that have been deleted recently have been rudeness and bascially ingnoring the rules of the board and have been warned many times about it.
I did not have to explain this but I figured it would atleast five you alittle insight to why it seems like there are a lot of posts being locked recently.
something else we as moderators do is look at locked and deleted posts atleast I do and if there is something that didnt need to be locked or deleted we bring it up in the shark tank to find out why it was locked.
We have had a rash of double identity posters that because they were told they couldnt do something reregister with another name just to do it again.
Like I said there is a lot of things behind scenes that alot of people are really not aware of and it sometimes makes people think that something was uncalled for or could have been done a different way but honestly when this happens they have been warned many many times before..
Just thought I would give you alittle insight to what you see isnt always the ways things are.