Cleaner shrimp is often nice to have, depending on what other creatures you may have in the tank. However there are not many shrimp that can help your BTA. There are some so called anemone shrimp, but I would think that the benifits of that relationship are more in favor of the shrimp than the anemone itself.
What did you want the shrimp to help with?
Fire shrimp is just another type of cleaner shirmp really.
I've been raising BTA's for quite some time, best thing you can give them is a healthy enviroment, great lighting, and if you wish clownfish. IMO
Originally Posted by Thomas712
Fire shrimp is just another type of cleaner shirmp really.
I've been raising BTA's for quite some time, best thing you can give them is a healthy enviroment, great lighting, and if you wish clownfish. IMO