

i am gettinga 55 or 75 gallon tank in the next comming week or so. would i be able to keep a yellow tank and a blue hippo and in there with 2 other clownfish?
or at least for a wile???


yes at least for a while as long as they are young when you get them but they will out grow the tank sooner or later. and buy the biggest tank that u can afford and have room for. i dont know how many start out with a smaller tank and wish they had gone bigger. but thats not to say that you cant have alot of fun and make a very nice and beautiful tank with a small tank. i have seen 20 gallon tanks that would take your breath away! just have fun and dont try to rush it, it's not a race.


If you get the 75 you could probably have the yellow tang in there for a while. Tangs need a lot of swimming room or they get kind of stir crazy...