

Ok, So I've been dealing with a hair algae problem for a quite a while now. I have plenty of cleanup crew (just bought "The Monster" package a couple of weeks ago. It seems that the blue-leg crabs are more interested in killing my snails than doing their job (but that's another problem)
I was wondering, do the bio-balls that I have in my filter have anything to do with the algae problem? I also have a pre-filter (I guess that's what it's called) It hangs off the back of my tank and has a round sponge in it. I clean it almost daily. The water goes from the tank tnrough the pre-filter and then to the bottom filter then back into the tank. Any ideas?
My parameters have just been checked and everything is where it should be.

nm reef

Active Member
The bio-balls could contribute to elevated nitrates and that could in turn contribute to algae problems. Post your test results and provide all the info you can about your system. Lighting/circulation/fish& much you use LS...any additives often and how much do you feed...all the info you can think of.:cool:


I take my water sample to the LFS (personal friend works there, doesn't cost anything when he tests for me ;) ) Anyway, I'm not good at testing myself, So as I said, everything tested exactly how it's supposed to. That's why we're stumped as to why the algae problem.
I have crushed coral (originally started with sand but I thought it looked too dirty all the time, I know most people prefer the coral)
125 g. approximately 150lbs of l.r (can't be sure as I lost track as to how much I put in there. I'll have to dig up my receipts sometime I think I still have them.)
additives potassium iodide and calcium (don't rememebr the brand, I'm not home now where I can check everything)
just changed the lights approx. 2 months ago. I'm sorry I don't know the "exact" anything. I don't know how you all do it


Active Member
that might be a problem, i have some bad cyno and recently i bought a power head and it cut it down alot


I started getting cyno, but that was easy to take care of. All gone now. Just the hair algae. As far as topping off. I buy ro from LFS so I feel it should be safe from there. Don't have my own filter yet


Active Member
Do those tests include phosphates? Do you remember your nitrAte reading? I never had bio balls, but heard they can become a problem with trAtes. Anyways, can you list what the last test results were.........