

I posted my first thread about two weeks ago. I have a 46 gallon tank. I had taken my LFS's advice and put two damsels in my tank after only one week. I was then going to buy some uncured live rock and asked you all if that was a good idea. I now know that it would have been a bad idea.
I had decided after reading a lot of advice here that I would return the damsels and use the uncured live rock to cycle my tank. Well, the LFS wouldn't take the fish back. Hence, I won't be going to them anymore. I even told them that I would take them back in a month or so after my tank was ready for them. Since they wouldn't take it back I felt that I should keep it and continue down this path and see what happens.
My question now is: I had the damsels for about 10 days and I started getting brown algae all over the place. From reading this board I took that as normal and even a sign that my tank was on its way. Since then I have done nothing but test my water and feed my one damsel (one of them didn't make it) very sparingly. I have an ammonia reading of 0.25 and zero nitrite and nitrate. The tank has been up for 4 weeks. Oh, maybe I should say that I started with base rock and sand, no live rock. I did that with the advice of my LFS. Anyway, will my tank ever cycle with one fish being fed very little. I believe that the fish is healthy. Swims around and comes to the top very quickly for food. pH and salinity are both good.
I guess what I am asking: Do I just sit and wait it out? It seems like the tank with never cycle this way.
Thanks in advance to anyone that responds.


I would add the uncured live rock to create a harder cycle in the tank and wait for it cure completely. If you're lucky the damsel will die in the process. As kip said raw shrimp can help, but it is not neccesary if you're curing rock.


I went through the same thing... all 170lbs of lr was cured. my levels never spiked. went up a bit for the first week, but leveled out after the 2nd and 3rd week. i think it should be safe for you to add a clean up crew now, imo. I've added about 100 snails and hermits, my tank is spotless within 3 days. as for fish and other stuff, you should wait another few weeks and monitor your water levels closely.