

im building a 360 gal tank and was wondering if a 100gal sump and a skimmer would b good for filtration. ill have bamboo sharks and different kinds of tangs in it.will this be good enough filtration for a tank with these fish?


whats a Fluidized bed filter?
im not sure about the wet/dry therell b bamboo sharks and maybe some tangs im not sure yet ive been aking for some in put


Active Member
my suggestion for aggressive is always an adaquetely sized wet dry filter, protein skimmer, and UV sterilizer. A 100 gallon sump should be fine.


You saw my tub when picking up the shark? That one is a 100 gal tub. I went yesterday to a lfs in high reguard and discussed filtration for my 450. I will be keeping similar fish as you, messy dirty eaters. They suggested a sand bed, the 100 gal sump with a Precision Marine Bullett 2 skimmer with mag 18 pump and lots of live rock. I feel another mechanical filter is also needed. Good Luck, I wouldnt mind helping out with the setup, when the time comes...
keep in touch


hey bull shark hanks for the info and the offer the same to u if u need help setting the beast up