questions - 18 gallon reef


Active Member
a few questions for my new 18 gal.
1. The lighting fixture is for a 20 gallon but my tank is exactly 70 liters, which is like 18.3 something, and it turns out my tank is shallower and longer then the average 20 gal. so my measuring was wrong and i had to use wood for the fixture to set on the tank. now the lighting covers most of the tank just not quite long enough to cover the entire length. What should i do? since the tank is shallower then the average 20 gal and it's made for a 20gal will it be plenty of lighting still for leathers? it's compact fluorescents.
2. Can algae blooms kill coral? i had a bloom of some sort of algae on the walls and rock and one shroom bleached and the other looked bad so i fragged them and moved the other into a separate container i'm doing water changes on and sorta experimenting. And then left one frag of the still living shroom in the tank. i was wondering if the algae took all the nutrients or calcium out of the tank and that harmed the mushrooms?
3. The reef tank is gonna be a crab tank since my horse tank is a all snail tank. What sort of critter can go in a Crab Only tank and eat algae off the walls? i thought urchin but the person at the LFS said urchins eat coralline too (not that i got any yet
thanks in advance to any help


How many watts is the light? What are your water parameters? If the shroom looks bleached, then I would say for sure you dont have enough light. Algae can kill corals, it can overtake the coral and kill it. I would use a mix of crabs and snails in the tank. Urchins will eat coraline, but they do a tremendous job of eating algae.


Active Member
I'm not gonna waste money on snails to put in the same tank as hermit crabs.
i will get the parameters up in a sec.
65watts i think.
i have had the shrooms for a week or two. they were finally starting to recoup from the LFS it looked like and the second the algae came which appear in like a day one went white and the other wasn't looking good.
i got a snail in there currently to help with the algae on the rocks and such. and i'm gonna use my little mag-float cleaner on the walls.
i will look into an urchin. maby just one pencil urchin won't hurt the amount of coralline much. they are really cool