Questions about a bigger tank


I am thinking about getting a bigger tank. 150 gallons and up.
If you see my signiture you will notice I dont have sumps or protien skimmers. They actually confuse me and they seem hard to setup.
What should I look for? Specifically things like built in over flows and predrilled holes.
Any disadvantages to glass bow fronts?


Some people say the bow fronts distorts the view by enlarging the view but i like how they look although i don't own one.


Active Member
OK - what type of tank are you building?
Start here and then read on - four powerheads - one in each corner except where the sump returns - the opposite side set the fourth mid way down and across the fron of the glass
What should I look for? Specifically things like built in over flows and predrilled holes.
Both are good options and both will give you te ability to set up a sump system sucessfully.
When you purchase your sump system keep these things in mind.
A. Design it with simplicity in mind
1. Large enough to house two heater units (can be placed in either side of the tank)
2. Large enough to house the protien skimmer (buy a skimmer rated for 200 gal) a skimmer is easy - just clean the collection cup every other day and clean the entire unit once a month (if needed).
3. Large enough to house your chemical filtration (activated carbon in nylon bags)
4. Large enough to house an undergravel filter covered by 4.5" of Sand (the undergravel filter is not connected - it's just there to create an oxygen depleted pocket under the sand to remove ALL NITRATES)
5. A light system to keep the DSB in the sump alive.
6. A big enough pump to send the water back into the main tank.
7.1 Water loss - add a drip system that adds RO/DI water to the sump to offset evaporation.
7.2 Reef - add a drip system for trace elements.
B. Bio-Filtration
1. All your bio-filtration will be done in the main tank using 1/2 lb of live rock per gallon
2. An undergravel filter covered by 4.5" of Sand (the undergravel filter is not connected - it's just there to create an oxygen depleted pocket under the sand to remove ALL NITRATES)
Any disadvantages to glass bow fronts? - these are beautiful and make an excellent display tanks.
Lengthy but appropriate and actually quite simple. American filtration method with all