Questions about Aggressive Set-Ups

aquarius 1

I keep two community fish only fish tanks but I was thinking of setting up an agressive tank. With fish like puffers, and lionfish, do they need to be fed live foods or are there some that do fine on flakes and frozen foods? Also are lions and puffers compatible?


Active Member
Lions and puffers are compatible for the most part. Aggressive fish should NOT be fed live food (feeders). These can cause fatty buildup on the liver leading to premature death. They can also introduce pathogens into your tank. Some species (triggers and puffers) will accept flake. I feed freezedried and frozen krill, frozen clam cubes, frozen squid cubes and chopped squid, frozen silversides, frozen mysis shrimp, and frozen aggressive formula (when I can find it). I soak in Zoe every third feeding. Bo


Watch out for nipping of Lion Fins by your puffer. Some do not nip, but it is a pretty individual fish type behavior.
Make sure your Lion is eating something other than live at the lfs. No sense in breaking a Lion off live when you do not have to. There will alwys be another, so just wait for one that is eating frozen foods.
Never ever feed live to a lion already eating frozen foods. This is only asking for trouble. Not even for a ocassional snack.


Active Member
Make sure your Lion is eating something other than live at the lfs. No sense in breaking a Lion off live when you do not have to. <hr></blockquote>
I disagree with this statement. If you see a lion at the lfs eating live only and you like it, there is no reason not to get it. Lions are very easy to break off of live food. All you need is a little patience and a feeding stick. Bo


i have 3 lions and all had been switched over to frozen food.. it's not that hard at all, the 2 took 1 week to get used to it and the third took 2 weeks... patience is the key!!, just keep putting the frozen food in every day till they eat, if they dont take the food out and try again later...when they get hungry enuff they will go for it. most likely the lion ur ganna get in ur lfs is ganna be feed feeders ,it's much easyer for them to give them feeders then to train the fish to eat frozen.since they know the fish will be sold anyways they will not take the time....