Questions about Anemones


Ok so I have had an anemone now for 5 years and had some questions. First off im really not sure what type of anemone this is because the fish store said its a bubble tip but from all the pics ive seen of BTAs it doesnt look like that. Second question is how long can an anemone live for with a good healthy tank and feeding regular. And lastly is it a good thing or a bad thing that in the three years i have had this guy he has not split even once.

tangs rule

Active Member
It looks very similar to a long tenticle anemone - Heteractis sp. I have one that looks very similar and hosts the same clowns yours does (ocellaris). As far as how long one can live - it is thought several hundred years in the wild, and with proper conditions one could possibly live much longer than that (thousands of yrs)... As far as splitting - anemones must have the ideal conditions to do so - and yours may be "healthy" and doing great - just not "perfect" enough to split. Consider it a good thing - a constantly splitting anemone is a pain in the butt, and is actually a sign of problems - plus the new anemones move around alot AND sometimes when one splits - there isn't enough left to keep the clown happy and the clown beats it up....Also, some species in this genus can grow to a meter in diameter.
I also have a BTA - Entacmaea sp. and it is a very different looking character.


Thanks for the info. I guess i should be happy my tank has good enough conditions that he doesnt get stressed and split like mad. Is there any certain thing i should be looking for to make the tank perfect or could it be anything in the tank. I know i have always had a slight nitrate problem and am getting it down right now. The anemone is already 12 inches so its on the way to a meter being that we got him 3 years ago and it was the size of a quarter.

tangs rule

Active Member
If you've had him 3 yrs, and he has grown as you say, he's probably pretty happy. He very well might split someday when he's bigger or ready to. Keep those water parameters high, and who knows - you may wake up one day with 2 of them


Yep here is what he looked like 3 years ago. Its too bad that he moved and killed my mushrooms too when we moved him last time.

tangs rule

Active Member
Wow - he's so tiny! He's come a long way in 3-4 yrs....I've noticed LTA's move about a bit more than others.....My BTA found his spot the 1st day and has not moved yet....I used to have a hatian pink tip that was pretty stationary, and he'd split 2x a year. My LTA seems to find a happy spot and he'll stay there for months, then one day, he's on the move....kinda a pain in the butt cause I gotta scramble to move corals out of the way.....The last time he moved he was headdin straight for the BTA....I dunno what a LTA & BTA would do to each other if they got together, so I stuck PVC pipes in the tank on the rock and made a "fence" to keep the LTA away....eventually he settled down 8" from the bubble tip - it's where he is today. They are crazy creatures, but what'd you expect from a lifeform with no brain - lol.


Looks just like my green BTA. And as tangs rule stated, be glad it's not splitting. These are my Ocellaris in my BTA. I'm positive mine is a BTA, it was a baby from another one that I had.

tangs rule

Active Member
Here is a pic with each one in it. Looking at the spacing/placement of the tentacles on the mantle of my BTA (on right) and the OP's, they look very similar - with tentacles kinda all over the mantle top - only my BTA inflates his tips. The LTA (left) tips look more like the OPs' but the spacing/placement of the tips on the mantle is different. The LTA has tentacles on the perimeter of the mantle, with a bare center around the mouth.....On closer inspection - I'd agree with BTLD on BTA