questions about colors of long tentacle anemones


Active Member
my lfs has a couple of anemones that they have listed as long tentacle anemones. my question is is it possible for them to be a neon/ flourescent green?


Originally Posted by salt210
my lfs has a couple of anemones that they have listed as long tentacle anemones. my question is is it possible for them to be a neon/ flourescent green?
the tips of mine are that color, i've never seen one that is all green


Active Member
its all green except I think the base/disc. its still at the store. I was going to go by there tomorrow to check it out again. I will try some pics with my phone
so I guess the tentacles would be green


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Careful, some are dyed a color.
really how would I know if it was? could it be they just have it labeled wrong? the disc seems a little wider then it should be. tentacles less than an inch and then the disc looks to be about 2in wide. I will try for some pics tomorrow. I am trying to decide between it and a BTA that they have
also why would someone dye them? if it was I dont think it was the LFS


Originally Posted by salt210
really how would I know if it was? could it be they just have it labeled wrong? the disc seems a little wider then it should be. tentacles less than an inch and then the disc looks to be about 2in wide. I will try for some pics tomorrow. I am trying to decide between it and a BTA that they have
also why would someone die them? if it was I dont think it was the LFS
yes LTA's can be all green, or purple, also striped as mine is. they also can be tan. the base should be tan and not green. usually sebeas nems are dyed and the base(foot) is the same color, thats how you can tell if the nem has been dyed.


Active Member
ok. I don't think the base is green, but I will double check when I go to try and get the pic later


Active Member is not dyed. the base is a cream color and it is the outer 1/4 of the tentacles that are green. I did buy it, so I will get some pics up tomorrow. I think it might be a little bleached like the condi that I jus bought from them. it was actually pretty bad, but its coming around.