Questions about fragging a colt....


My colt has out grown my 55 such that hes about 2 inches off the sand and his top tips try to get out of the water. I'd like to do some "pruning";)
My questions are:
1. I have a 29 cycled for about a month in a 350 magnum+biowheel and the largest prism skimmer (yea i know they arent the best but it only cost me 20 bucks). A 4in ch sand base and about 15 lbs of rock so far...Could I frag it here, leave the frags to grow there, and after sliming is done return my large colt to the bigger tank?
2. Can I frag more than one branch at each "fragging"?
3. Where are the best places to cut? It has a central base about 2-3 inches across with about 6 branches at the top that then spread out to be VERY large with more branches.
4. Are my odds of success good? This thing was in my tank from a week after it was started cuz friend told me itd be fine.....I'm ratehr attacthed and its 4-5 times larger than It was when I got it....Id almost rather sell it to a friend w/ a 15 if success at this size is low.
TKS Justin


Active Member
If you go to garf dot org you will find a good article explaining how to prop colts. This is the title:
The "The Trouble With Soft Branching Corals"
I have one that is growing like yours, but I'm a bit nervous about cutting.


Active Member
i dont recommend putting any corals in a tank that is only a month old but it is your decision and if you do put them in this tank ii would also make sure that you have adequate light and yes i believe you can frag more than one branch at a time
as far as where to cut you can probably find that on garf


Active Member
The cuting is easy, it's the attaching you have to master.:D
You can pretty much cut any branch off. They will just start to grow more.
They will slime, yes, you can cut them in a bowl with tank water and move them to another bowl for them to rinse. From their you can put back in your tank or the other tank you have and grow them out.
To attach I think the best method is to stick a tooth pick near the base and hold them down to a small rock with an elastic band strapped to hold down each side of the pick.
god luck.