Questions about fraging



Do you need to keep newly fraged mushrooms in a separate tank or can you put them back in your main tank?


Good, they don't emit enough toxins to cause any problems? Would it be the same for a colt coral?


Active Member
You can put them in a bowl for a few minutes while they release all their slime, but I don't and don't have any problems after they're put back in the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Reef Diver
How big do you reccomend a mushroom to be before fragging
the bigger, the easier imo. if there too small, they shrivel up to fast and it makes it hard to get a piece of the mouth.
and i usually just frag and place back into my main tank. no seperate containers.


Active Member
It's not necessary to get a piece of the mouth in each frag. I just cut little pieces off the edges and they do fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
It's not necessary to get a piece of the mouth in each frag. I just cut little pieces off the edges and they do fine.
i usually try and get a piece of the mouth just because they seem to grow into full mushrooms faster that way. but your right, i dont always get a piece of the mouth, and they do fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by whitey_028
ive heard you can blender them and have them make it.I've never had the balls to try it..
i heard that if you do that u will end up with mushrooms everywhere. which could be a good or bad thing i guess.


Active Member
yeah it can be done. (i don't want to get in to how i know) The problem with the blender trick is one you end up with shrooms every place poss. and two the die causes huge ammonia spike.


Active Member
i usually put a tupperware container with holes cut in it inside my tank with some sand in the bottom of it, then place the slices of the shrooms inside and in a couple of days, the shrooms will attach themselves to small specks of sand. then i put crazy glue on the specks of sand that are attached to the shrroms, and crazy glue the shrrom to some lr rubble, and in a few more days the shrrom will start to grow on the rock.


Anyone have a guide to doing this, or is it pretty easy. I want to frag my Green Ricordea. What do you use? Sharp utility knife?
What about fragging other soft corals? I have a chili coral.
Can you frag a Christmas Tree?
Thanks a bunch!


If you go into the archives you could find a fragging thread for just about every coral. If you can't find a certain coral fragging thread you can find a coral in the same family or close to the one you want to frag. The archive has a wealth of knowledge use it for free.

Oh yeah, I always use super glue gel for my fragging. It works pretty good.