Questions about humu trigger


Active Member
Ok, so I'm just starting to venture towards a fish only aggressive tank. Will be ordering a 225gal tank in 3 months. The question I have is....I have a 60gal tank that I'm gettting ready to setup for a permanent qt and my LFS has a 2 1/2 inch Humu. Was wondering if I could keep him in the 60gal til I get the 225gal up and running?

crypt keeper

Active Member
yes. It would be fine in a 60 for well, somebody had one in a 20 gallon for 5 years. So lets say 7. Im kidding.
In all honesty they grow very slowly. id say a year or so. I have had mine in a 90 for about 6 months and I wouldnt move it for another 6 maybe even 12 if I wasnt upgrading anyway


Active Member
Ok, cool. Just didn't want to put him in there and then him be cramped in a few months. The 60 will become my QT tank for all future residents for the 225 gal any way...
Thanks for the info. I'm sure I'll have plenty more questions when I start really tackling a stocklist. Have a few ideas but I'm definitely going to continue to research before deciding.


Active Member
Yeah, the little guy at the LFS was following me around and seemed pretty interested but I think he thought I had food.
I go in there often enough that most of the aggressive fish know me by now. lol They have a stars and stripes puffer that's been there since I've been going there and he rushes to the front of his tank to see me.


Active Member
Yeah, he's another one that I'd like to take home. lol Don't want to crowd the 60 gal though so we'll see. He's been there a long time. Would love to get a Koran Angel as well. Thinking of getting a zebra eel as well.


Active Member
Not planning on now...future though..
I wouldn't want to try to squeeze everyone in a little 60 gal. I'd like to go slowly. A fish or two at a time with 3-4 weeks between new stock so I don't get bio overload. Plus, don't want to stress the fish any more than they'll already be. Besides, the 225 will have to cycle before all this can take place. Don't need to rush it. Just passing some ideas by ya to see what you think on what I've come up with so far. Hoping my research is going well that they're all compatible in a tank with each other. Don't want to lose anyone and want them all to be happy.


Thats awesome that you are getting a 60 QT. Dose the 60 with copper. Get the trigger and a couple other fish and keep them in there for at least a month and a half. Do this with every fish your gonna put in the big tank and youll have great sucess keepng them. good luck


Active Member
Thanks...the 60 gal is one that I already have in the livingroom. Just have to get rid of the albino oscar that's living in it.
But, I'm going this week and reserving the trigger that's at my lfs. I sold all the FW plants out of it...just waiting on the fish and then I can clean it out with vinegar and get it going. Bare bottom for a QT right?? My thought is to just add a little LR and leave the bottom bare. What do you think??

crypt keeper

Active Member
I used to have sand in mine. I took it all out after reading up on it. Here is mine. I would add maybe a piece or two more. If you are only going to do 1 fish at a time I would have one peice then maybe some fake stuff they can hide in. triggers need a cave type that they can wedge and lock their self into place.

Bad angle shot but i was trying to show off my angel. Some people put their fish thropugh hypo regardless if anything shows up.


Active Member
Awesome, permanent QT's are the way to go. Here's my 55gal QT.

As you can see, I have some LR in there, about 40lbs. They are about as clean as LR as you'll find. I keep the LR in there through treatments, both hypo and copper (Cupramine). Yes this kills the LR, which will bump up your maintenance. I do 15gals every 3rd day while on treatments. The sand is in a tubberware container on the right, this is for my Ventnsus wrasse which buries in the sand at night.
The humu should be alright for a good bit in the 60. How long would you say the 225 is away?


Active Member
I'm ordering the 225 in 3 months. Have to wait til hubby leaves for's a surprise. He's always wanted an aggressive tank but he's not one for all the work. lol


Active Member
That sounds fine. Figure the 3 months till you order the tank, then another 2 months or so, setting it up. A 2.5" Humu should do fine in a 60gal for that period. I won't add other fish though...


Active Member
Definitely wasn't planning on it. I just want to make sure and get my hands on this little guy. My LFS doesn't get them in very often and he's already eating well. Very good looking specimen. I'd hate to lose out. Not too worried about the others. They can get the rest of my planned stocklist in without a problem.


you'll love the humu. he was kinda the "popular guy" in my tank. And just so you know... i kept him in my 30 gal for a year and he did just great. Him and the Koran Angel were my show fish and got along well. They love hiding places, plus mine would blow the substrate around, just for the heck of it. He even blew at my Koran in the face and the koran ran after he did it.


Active Member
I'm excited...I've always wanted an aggressive tank and my husband has always wanted an inwall....This is my top priority project for the year.


Active Member
Well, as of tomorrow my FW fish will be gone and I can clean the tank out to get ready for my humu... I traded the FW for the humu.
I am soooo excited!!! I'll take pics of him tomorrow when I go to drop of the fish.