questions about nano tanks


-whenypu purchase a nano cube 29g tank out of the box what else do you need to start the tank. I realize you need water and stuff but what about other hardware
I have a 28 gallon JBJ Nano cube. It was the only brand that came with everything:
1. HQI halide lighting - most others do not come with this, mandatory if you want to do a coral reef
2. LED moon lighting
3. wave controller
4. protein skimmer - now it isn't the best, but for an airstone skimmer it works very well
5. filter pack
6. tank
7. stand - yes a stand is also included
I have had mine for 4 months, and it is great no problems.
Have Fun!!!


some of this may be obvious but you need salt mix, sand, heater, thermometer, powerhead, hydrometer, water test kit, and LR to begin with
and HQ1 is really the absolute best but many people get along fine with standard nano cube lighting. check out some of the diaries of nano cubes on this site and some have standard lighting with awesome corals!


what do you need to purchase to test the water
-i saw a master kit but i wasnt sure if it tested for ph as well


Most "Master" kits will have your standard pH, ammonia, nitrate & nitrite testing reagents. Definitely opt for the liquid "test tube" kits over the strips. They are much more accurate and reliable. I personally use the API Master Kit and it works out great.