questions about possible fish


New Member
hi my name is blake and iv always wanted to start a saltwater aquarium, iv finnaly bout a 25 galon tank and set it up and i am almost ready to put in the fish. i have picked out the fish i would like to put in it but im not sure if thgey can go together. please let me know if these fish can go together in the smae tank.
Longnose Hawkfish
Flame Hawkfish
tomato clownfish
Royal Gramma or Royal Dottyback
i appreciate your help


Active Member
they all sound fine, but keep an eye on them. fish you think that will get along turn around and then don't. I hope they work out


Active Member
The tomato clown get too big for a 25 gal, unless you are going to get a bigger tank in the next couple years. They get over 5 inches when full grown, I would get a percula instead, JMO though.


Active Member
i would get one hawkfish one 2 true percs and a royal gramma the only think i would disagree about in the gramma's case is that they are known jumpers and the shallower the tank the beter chance they will jump.


im starting a 25g tank also i hope i can get
2 percula clownfish
1 royal gramma (maybe)
1 yellow watchman goby
and some kind of small butterflyfish (maybe)
1 camelback shrimp or cleaner
also a few crabs
these all seem like pretty popular fish