questions about test kits


Active Member
what do you guys think of the red sea master test kit? its 49.99 from *****, will that be a good kit to start with?
i eventually wanna get the full run of test kits by salifert, but, they're pricey as all get out, so i was hopin the red sea master test kit would be good enough
any thoughts on this one guys?


Active Member
u gonna give me the money to get the full gamut of salifert test kits? seeing as how each one is 28 bucks, and im gonna need, what, 5 kits? or is it 6 kits? or hell, why not just get all of em :p u gonna give me the dough for that? LOL


Active Member
well... say you get inaccurate results and your ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates always read 0 with the crappy kit and they're really 3, 5, and 40? how screwed would ya be when you put several hundred dollars of fish into that toxin water?


Active Member
true nuff, but, arent the red sea kits fairly decent? damnit, iwish salifert or tunze made a master kit like the others do LOL i know api is a POS, but, i figgered the red sea ones would be at least half way decent


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
what do you guys think of the red sea master test kit? its 49.99 from *****, will that be a good kit to start with?
i eventually wanna get the full run of test kits by salifert, but, they're pricey as all get out, so i was hopin the red sea master test kit would be good enough
any thoughts on this one guys?
The red sea kit is good. It is $29.99 online. Salifert does not have a master kit. BTW, I have been running my tanks with API tests for quite some time now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
How long has your tank been running? What test kit do you use?
I use salifert and tunze kits exclusively...
my 20long has been going for like 2 months... but all the rock and sand came either out of my biocube that was going for 9months or out of a tank that was going 2 years.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
And you have only ever used Salifert and Tunze kits?
I used a tetra when I didn't know any better because it was cheap... threw it away 3 months after being in SW because then I knew better after talking to alot of people and having inconsistent results compared to other better kits.


Active Member
ok, so, im gonna go with the red sea maste test kit for now, and then, once me an jess start building our big tanks next summer, ill buy the full range of salifert or tunze kits, sound good? LOL now the, refractometer or hydrometer? :p j/k lol im gonna go witha refrac :p


Originally Posted by Rotarymagic
I used a tetra when I didn't know any better because it was cheap... threw it away 3 months after being in SW because then I knew better after talking to alot of people and having inconsistent results compared to other better kits.
Nice! So which do you have better results with?


Active Member
My Aquarium Pharmacueticals master kit does well. When I put my last batch of fish in QT, the AP test caught a major nitrate spike quickly and accurately. After I got a measurement of 40, I took a water sample to the LFS and they confirmed it with their expensive master kit. We all do what we're comfortable with, though. Some folks feel that spending more money guarantees a better result, but since the Phoenix zoo aquarium uses AP test kits, I figure that's good enough for me.