Questions about the Saltwater Hobby


New Member
Hi I have a few questions about salt water hobby. My first question that I would like to ask...Is a 55 gallon big enough for a fish only tank? I was thinking of getting just a couple of fish like a puffer or a grouper but I'm concerned about there swimming space. Also, what is the best starting fish to get? I know alot about salt water already because my uncle keeps them. And lastly, I'm concerned that if I have a fish only tank, could I still have snails and crabs like in a reef tank or would they be eaten? I know these are essential because they eat all the algae. Thanks


if your looking for a somewhat aggressive fish only tank you probably cant keep any puffers, except valentini (sp?) but they will probably outgrow the tank also, you can deffinetly not keep groupers, you could keep a dwarf lionfish and a snowflake eel though.


i think a 55 is large enough, just make you get the long version (48in long). My best advice is find a fish you like and do reasearch on it. Many aggressive fish will eat snails and crabs so you just need to find that out before you buy them.
research reasearch reasearch... thats the best advice i can give


i second that.... research! The best advice is reading a few good books and publications. Fomulate a plan or idea, then come here and ask away. There are many people on here who have tremendous experience in SW keeping and have helped us all out.
there are no stupid questions, just stupid mistakes from not asking the question.


Active Member
Any of the dwarf or toby puffers would do fine in a 55 but the porcupine ones would not, also most groupers grow way to big for a 55 but I think there is some smaller seabass that would work. For a large predator tank like it sound you want a tank over 100 gallons would be better.