1.Whats your favorite color?
2.Do you have any kids?
3.Are you married?
4.Are you a vegetarian?
5.Do you like comedy shows?
6.Do you watch late night comedy shows?
7.Whats your favorite fish?
8.Whats your favorite corals?
9.Whats your favorite invert?
10.Who are you going to pick next?
11.Do you like Quails? Do you like Chickens?
12.Do you like Ducks?
13.Do you like coffee?
14.Do you like to read?
15.What does this sign mean? <3
16.Do you like Obama?
17.Whats your favorite food?
18.Which do you like more? Reef or FOWLR?
19.Do you like garlic?
20.Do you like sports?
21.If so, what kind?
22.What happened to CFR and Guapo?
23.Were you ever abducted by aliens?
24.Do you like beef?
25.Whats the worst thing that's ever happened to you?
26.Whats you best thing that's ever happened to you?
27.Which one would you pick over the other? Spots and beer OR all meaty/man foods?(option 2 does not include beer or sports)
28.Do you like to write?
29.Whats your real first name?
30.Do you like trees?
31.Whats your favorite music/song?
32.Do you like music?
33.Have you ever fallen off a house?
34.Whats your favorite car?
35.Do you like this banana?
36.What are your opinions on the CPR bakpak 2 skimmer?
37.Do you like clownfish?
38.Do you even have a saltwater tank??
39.If you do have a saltwater tank, can you post pictures?
40.Do you like seafood?
41.Whats your favorite movie?
42.Do you like action movies?
43.What was your favorite subject in school?
44.Do you like people?
45.Do you like this thread?
46.Do you hate Darthtang AW for picking you?
47.Where were you born?
48.Have you ever farted in public and then everyone was looking at you?
49.Have you ever burped in public?
50.Have you ever picked your nose in public?
51.Have you ever seen the Eiffel tower in real life?
52.Whats the worst injury you ever had?
53.Have you ever been in a car crash?
54.Do you own motorcycles?
55.Do you hate me for asking so many questions?