Questions from a Refugium Noob


New Member
I just got my 30 gallon tank to set up my refugium. I am going to add a skimmer and so on. My questions are these:
1.DO I need a sock to catch "excess" debris? One LFS guy said I do and the other said no, not needed because they do not have a sock in the ocean to catch excess debris.
2. Since I live in FLA, is it ok for me to go to the nearest pristine #1 beach to grab some sand and water to use for my refugium? I was planning on going to Ft. DeSoto park and grabbing some sand to throw in the bottom. I did grab some before to put into the bottom of my 150 DT, and it was loaded with clams and other little happy fun things. So would this work well enough as a base for my refugium?


Active Member
There are plenty of socks in the ocean... along with a lot of other trash.
Are you setting up a sump and refugium?
1. A sock would operate just like a pre-filter pad. You must keep it clean or it will be a Nitrate factory. I have my water dump directly into my fuge and sump.
2. Collecting is probably illegal. You could also introduce toxins found on the beach. Your call.


New Member
I plan on setting up a refugium for my filtration method.
I ask about the sand because there is a guy who has a huge live rock farm down here, so I dont think there are too many toxins in the area. It is Florida, so there might be... but I am not sure about it yet. A sherrif saw me taking sand before and he didnt say anything to me, so either he didnt care or its not illegal.
I am guessing I should have a filter sock then right? I have read so many things good and bad about them, and heard different things from 4 different stores. I have an info overload on some of this setup.
Thanks for the reply.