thanks for your replies. i just have one more question. the garlic at the store, is it the stuff that is kind of ball shaped with a point on one end. (it also is in sections, like and orange). i grind it up in little peices or do i just soak my flakes in the juices. i made a big mistake and didnt use a QT. i have some pretty small fish but i have about 15 of them. is a 7 1/2 gallon too small of a QT? i have a 10 gal. too. i just read the basic facts and i now know that i have ick. i have 6 damsels, 2 clowns, 3 coral cats, 1 clown tang, two mandarines, hermits and snails, and coral. oh and a bar goby. they are in a 1 month old 125g. tank. they have white spots on there fins. i need to know how big of a QT and if i can put all of them in it. all i have is a 10g. QT.