questions on Ick

chris s

i heard of people useing garlic to help defend off Ick. does this really work? if so were can i get some of this food for my 125g fish and reef tank.
thanks chris s


Staff member
Garlic can work as a preventative measure, but not really if you have an infestation. You can use fresh minced garlic, which probably works the best--as long as you retain the juice from the minced glove for your fish food. There is also galic that is sold for the hobby. sell this. Check out the dry goods section.


Active Member
Hi there,
Think of garlic as a vitamin suppliment. Its not going to save their life but it will help them be more healthy and more importantly will build their immune system.
Only side affect is that it is very nutritious and therefore if the fish dont feed on that piece of feed it can feed unwanted algae!
You can used crushed garlic cloves from your supermarket or Kent do a product called Garlic Extreme, available on this site.
All the best,

chris s

thanks for your replies. i just have one more question. the garlic at the store, is it the stuff that is kind of ball shaped with a point on one end. (it also is in sections, like and orange). i grind it up in little peices or do i just soak my flakes in the juices. i made a big mistake and didnt use a QT. i have some pretty small fish but i have about 15 of them. is a 7 1/2 gallon too small of a QT? i have a 10 gal. too. i just read the basic facts and i now know that i have ick. i have 6 damsels, 2 clowns, 3 coral cats, 1 clown tang, two mandarines, hermits and snails, and coral. oh and a bar goby. they are in a 1 month old 125g. tank. they have white spots on there fins. i need to know how big of a QT and if i can put all of them in it. all i have is a 10g. QT.