questions on Kalkwasser


New Member
hey guys just wondering how much and how often you add kalkwasser or any other calcium supplement. i got a 1.1 pound jar of powder that you mix with water. any advice on how you administer would be greatly appreciated


Active Member
depends on your tank. whats your coral load like? any clams?
i dose kalkwasser basically everynight. i add calcium via purple up about 2-3 days a week. 1 cap full in my 40 gallon system. im also runnig all sps corals, so i have a high demand for calcium.
thing wiht kalkwasser, is it doesnt raise calcium. you have to add calcium, get it where you want it, then add kalkwasser to keep the calcium at that number. by doing this, your magnesium levels are diminishing, so you will most likely need a magnesium additive as well. i use seachem magnesium. its sort of grainy. i just mix it with some ro/di water and dose that into my sump. id like to pick up a liquid magnesium additive because it would be easier to dose that than dissolve the granules ive been using.


only add what you test for ... all tanks use trace elements differently.
test your calcium level and see what you have, if it is between 420 and 450 then leave it alone, if it's lower then follow the manufactures dosing recommendations on the container.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tropills
only add what you test for ... all tanks use trace elements differently.
test your calcium level and see what you have, if it is between 420 and 450 then leave it alone, if it's lower then follow the manufactures dosing recommendations on the container.


I used kalk more before I moved my sump to the basement making water changes easyier (thus more frequent).
The method that I used was taking a well rinsed milk jug and filling it about three inches short of the top with RO water. I would add 1-2 level tablespoons of kalk, give it couple of mixes. I would let it sit at least 12 hours. Than I would somehow prop the jug over my sump and make a very small hole over the top of the crud level at the bottom. Do not add the settled material. The hole would cause the jug to drip kalk water every 4-6 seconds. You may have to unscrew the top of the jug to let air in. Throw away the bottom inch of crud. Than test your pH/Alk soon after.
Frequent water changes and a calcium supplement is IMHO a better way, though.