questions on new tank



my 75 gallon tank currently has
proclear wet dry
2 aquaclear 70 powerheads
100pds live sand
1 perc clown
1 humu trigger
1 blue hipo
i was wondering if i dont have to put live rock in the tank cause i really dont wanna do live rock i put all dead rock in the tankand designed it nice.
Will my fish do ok without live rock.
Also should i leave the bioballs in the wet dry


IMO Your tank will do fine without adding live rock. You already have livesand in there so your dead rock will eventually become live rock.


i use bioballs in my system. alot of people dont like them but i havnt had any problem (that i know of
) with them so i would say its up tp you to use them or not


Active Member
I use rock rubbles in my sump, I don't like bio-balls....As to what I was saying in numerous other posts, depending on the type of rock you use, for example, if you use lace rock, it will only become live base rock, it will not be live rock. If you use dry live rock, it will become live in no time. You need live rocks to seed them with the beneficial organisms to seed, not just live sand. :happyfish


some people disagree with bioballs but they work fine for me in my tidepool wet/dry filter/sump. My water is clear and they remove debris. My liverock does well too.


Dry live rock is live rock that is basically dead. Its been out of water.
Lace rock is like limestone or similiar to it or maybe it is. Lacerock has lits of holes and pores in it for fish and bacteria to live in.