Questions on powerheads and canister filter...please!!!!


New Member
Im converting my 72G bowfront from freshwater to saltwater and am confused on how to convert my equipment.
I have a Fluval 404 that I was told I can still use but I've read that the media inside can't be used. Do I take out all the media and just leave the canister empty except for the spongy things and water? Currently, there are 4 carbon bags on the top tray and these white round ceramic circles with a hole in the middle in the bottom tray.
I also have a UGF with dual powerheads and I was told to dump the UGF and keep the powerheads and add a couple of more powerheads. The problem is the powerheads are attached to the UGF. What do I do???
Thanks so much for any advice =)


im pretty sure the powerheads will come off the ug filter, and for the canister you can use the floss in it but will have to clean it pretty often so as not to build up nitrate in the system. you could also add filter media made for saltwater tanks like phosorb, or a nitrate sponge to help control nitrates.