I have well water. I know I need a TDS meter.
My question is is that a difference between RO and RO/DI?
If so which is better?
I have been buying my water (DI) from the store right now, but know I need a unit.
Our well is 370 Ft deep and I know has been drilled through a ton of limestone, so obviously calcium will be a factor as well......
I have also seen an additive to put in the water after it has been "processed"--is this necessary after you add the salt to it???
My question is is that a difference between RO and RO/DI?
If so which is better?
I have been buying my water (DI) from the store right now, but know I need a unit.
Our well is 370 Ft deep and I know has been drilled through a ton of limestone, so obviously calcium will be a factor as well......
I have also seen an additive to put in the water after it has been "processed"--is this necessary after you add the salt to it???